Monday, April 28, 2008

Mid-Year Exam

Mid-year exam is around the corner...
Stress, Stress, Stress...
Haven't even start my revision.
No more wasting time online..
have to control!!!!
Therefore, I wouldn't post often during this month and so will the next.
Have to study, study and revise and revise...
Well, see you guys after it's over...

Friday, April 25, 2008

Gertak Sanggul Again (20.4.08)

Went to Gertak Sanggul again this year.
Well, actually we've been to Gertak Sanggul to celebrate me and my bro's birthday last year with some of our friends.
But this year, we celebrate our B-lated birthday at the very same place but not the same spot because when we are not the only group who were there.
We had it earlier too. We reached there approximately 2pm ++.

Here we are, running toward the shore

Almost there girlz

Just a little more

A few inch more, keep on running , don't give up girlz!

Common you can do it...

Here we are, Gertak Sanggul it is...

Tung and Kerry on the rock

And I decided to join in..

Kinda amazed that I could carry Kerry

Well, I can carry Tung too, but not as easy as I did with Kerry...

Tung also wanna carry Kerry...
Too bad either of them can't carry me
or else they'll be sandwiched by




My knees kinda hurt when I got up from the sand
because the sand is not soft as you think it is, instead it is rough

Kerry-Keep quiet or I'll SHOOT!
Tung-Oh please don't shoot me, I still wanna live...sob sob....

Drank Tiger, but only a small potion
And I'm not under age anymore, only Tung is....

Kerry also want some
she is under age too... =.=" pants...

Have to wash off the sand...

Want some??

WOW, nice post Dennis

From left -> me, Kerry, 2nd sis and Tung

Tung and me

Yup, that's me...

Me, holding the plastic knife and ready to cut the cake

Here's the cake

Tung and me

Tung and Kerry

Me and Kerry
Am I pointing at Kerry??

Smile : )

Sand on our feet

Elder sis and 2nd sis

Dad and mom on the back,
two sisters of mine in front

Me and my friends join the pic

Beware, the girlz with GUNS!!!
or should I say 'fake' GUNS

She is GUILTY!! Arrest HER!!!
You can see the sly smile of hers!!!

Now she is spiting out her tongue!

Guess what's happening??

My bro's friends were trying to drag my bro into the water!!!
Too bad her manage to get himself free from the arms of his friends..
My sisters and Dennis also tried to carry him but failed....

Well, eventually he got himself soaking wet..

Tung-What's next??
Me-hope my handphone and camera didn't get wet


ERR...what are they doing??
Small little castles??

Or maybe small pieces of cake for himself (my bro)

Dennis, 2nd sis and elder sis...

Kerry , Tung and MUa..


Hey, curi curi take people's pic while they are having fun! dad was the one who took this pic, using his DSLR (long lensed camera)..

The Trio

Yum Seng!!!

Hah, Kerry and Tung still eating their twistis..

You kick me , I kick you

Err....what Tung kicking?? Fish?? Crab?? Sand?? Shell???

All right Tung we support you, let's kick the fish!
or what ever it is.....

Bro's friendz...

Group pic

That's all for now folks...Chao..