Saturday, May 31, 2008

Origami as a Simple Gift

Well, here are some of my origami collection..
It's not very advance..
I did these quite some time ago...
If you want to give one of these origami as a simple gift to
a person whom you valued the most.
Which of the origami would you give them??
You can only choose one....
Feel free to leave a message on the right to tell the world
which gift you would like to give that particular person....

A 2 Side Heart Box??
Suggestion:You can tuck in some sweets

A Love note to some one??

A Rose cube??
This rose is special because this Rose can be a cube and at the same time a Rose...
Trust's a 2 in 1 origami..scroll down some more and I'll show you how it looks like when it's a cube....

Suggestion:It would be more convenient to fold the Rose into a cube when carrying it

Hmm..a Watering Can??
Suggestion:This is not really for watering plants, it's just for display..
If possible display it next to flowers.

HoHoho...Merry Christmas..
A Christmas Stocking??
Suggestion: Maybe you can tuck in a small present.

An Arrowed heart??
Suggestion:It is a display Origami.. Can placed it on a shelf or a mirrored cupboard...

A Mini Note Book??
Suggestion: You can write something in the book.
You can also write to remind that person of something...

A rainbow Panda Head??
Suggestion: It's another display Origami alright!!

A Star??
This star is different from other's a little huge
than the normal starts you see in some gift shops..
Suggestion:You can unfold it and write a note, placed it inside the star and wrap it up..

A Winged Heart????
Suggestion: A display Origami
FYI, it can't fly. But You can use a string, tie the Winged heart to it and hang it.

What about a praying Mantis???
This is a different kind of praying Mantis...You can't see it in the wild...
Because, it only have two legs and two hands!!!
A real life Mantis would have four legs and two hands,if I'm not mistaken

A blue Rose??

If Blue not suitable, what about a purple Rose??

Have you chosen the best among all these Origami to give it to the person whom you really valued a lot??? Then leave a message on the right NOW!!

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